Message from the President
New Presidents Programme and Keynote
Ladies and Gentlemen,
Dear Colleagues,
Dear Friends,
It is expected that the new President produces a programme at the beginning of his mandate. In the last 4 years - when I joined EFOST – the world changed everywhere. Also, Europe is changing. Socialism is getting more and more to the upcoming main stream in public health care systems. These signs of change are also present in my country Germany. Germany is adapting from a high-capacity health care system for everyone to a limitation and concentration in medical care and treatment. At present, the German government plans to reduce the number of practices in the bigger cities. Smaller hospitals were closed in the past. In the future, patients in the public health care systems will find their Medical Doctor – so far he still will work in this system – in aggregated hospitals and ambulatory centres – belonging to the same supply chain. Pluralism of medical care and self-determination of the individual are being eroded. The German Health Care market with more than 300 Milliards Euro for about 82 Million people per year has had an important influence of the behaviour of medical industries in Europe and US. The historical medical development of techniques and manufacturing and trade of America was deeply influenced from Europe and Germany. Many European and German ideas returned from the US. In the recent past, many established and well known European Industries have been bought out, and some are closed. The "Big Players" centralize under the American influence - some say it is also globalization. With this concentration of investment and return of it, we also find a change in definition of education and main stream. In essential features, EFOST is dependent on this.
Today there is an important difference in the political situation and behaviour in market to our founders in 1992 in Mallorca. Nevertheless - European Countries still have to say a lot in medical care and technical development. - In this way we are still self-contained. Education on scientific research and evidence is established in the EFOST bye- laws. Exchange in education and know how transfer between all the nations is the basic of our fellowships and friendship. The goal in this upcoming legislation and my presidency will be the further development of worldwide fellowships, but also a concentrated exchange with the European Centers in the field of Orthopedics and Sports Trauma. All organizations of each European Country are asked to act with responsibility. That also means that EFOST will ask for support by all its representatives and member countries. A President only can be as good as all the members will support him.
Therefore, I ask everybody of the EFOST members to use me and guide me through the next 2 years. Be an active part and let us find a realistic way for future. I understand myself only as "primus inter pares": not more, but also not less. My central interest for EFOST will also be in the Eastern and Northern European Countries to connect them more intensively to us. Let us discuss and proof all possibilities to find our realistic position in the world of societies and scientific research, development and education. The EFOST Fellowships are one of our most important brands and labels. I prompt everybody to be an active partner in and with EFOST, including our industrial partners. Discussion to other established organizations have been started new with Past President Professor Nicola Maffuli in London. The new corporate identity was designed under his period. We will follow this way with all man power and the good guidance of the EFOST Family to find our way in in this new age.
The new website dominates with the label of EFOST. Let us see the stars in it for idealism and transfer of knowledge to our young colleagues - the royal blue underlines the liberal yellow to be loyal and true to our ideas und and a stable standing. - We have had famous presidents in the past that wrote this history. It is a great honour for me to follow this leaders and the idea that EFOST. In accordance to this duty, I will serve EFOST and you as the Democratic Sovereign of this federation. Thank you that you let me be a part of you and EFOST and allowing me to represent EFOST in the next two years.
Thank you!
Gernot Felmet
President of EFOST